Welcome to our Parish

Our parish aim is to be a vibrant Christian Community. We want to welcome and involve all members of our parish, so that we may all “have life and live it to the full.” We are committed to the Gospel of Christ, to living it ourselves and to sharing it with others. Our Parish vision is based on our Creed - the awesome wonder of the Father, knowledge of and relationship with the Son and confidence that we are continuously nurtured and inspired by the Spirit. 

There are many groups and individuals involved in a variety of services and agencies contributing to the life of our parish and building up the Body of Christ.

Our parish church is the Cathedral of the Assumption; it is the Cathedral church of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin. We are glad to welcome all the people of the diocese to join with us at diocesan celebrations. Our Bishop is Denis Nulty. There are approx. 2,560 homes in our parish, that is a population of 8,000.

We extend a warm invitation to all parishioners, both to those who have been here for some time and to newcomers, to participate in the life of the Parish. We hope that you will find these pages are some benefit to you. We pray that the joy of the Lord may be your strength.

Fr Thomas O'Byrne Adm

GDPR Statement: https://carlowcathedral.ie/gdpr-statement-2/
Child Safeguarding Statement: https://www.kandle.ie/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Safeguarding-Policy-2018.pdf

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Mass Times

Carlow Cathedral

Sunday Masses 6.15pm Saturday.
8.30am, 10.30am, 12.30pm and 7pm Sunday.

Radio Frequency: 107.9FM

Weekday Masses Monday to Friday: 7.30am, 10am.
Saturday: 10am

Holy Days Weekday Holy Day Mass Times:
6.15pm Vigil
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 5pm to 6pm Monday to Friday.
Sacrament of Reconciliation After 10am Novena Mass on Saturdays
Parish Office The Parish Office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm.
Parish Shop The Parish Shop is open Monday-Thursday 10am-1pm and 2pm-4:30pm, Friday 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 3.30pm.
Baptisms 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, after 12:30pm Mass.


Masses in the Cathedral weekend 11th/12th January

January 10, 2025

A problem arose with the heating in the Cathedral this morning (Friday 10th).  Our contractors have been working on it throughout the day.  There is a part required and cannot be sourced until after the weekend.  Masses will be celebrated at the normal times over the weekend, (mindful that there is no heating).  Our Masses…

December 20, 2024

Kildare & Leighlin Christmas Message 2024

At the very centre of the word ‘incarnation’ is the noun ‘caro’ meaning flesh. God assumes our flesh. He who is everywhere, allows himself to be restricted in our human body, in our broken and bruised world. Christmas is once again marvelling at this becoming flesh, the fact that…

St Columbanus Lecture

November 13, 2024

Columbanus, The Irish, And Rome’, by Dr Damian Bracken, U.C.C. and the launch of The International Columbanus Day 2025, by the Most Reverend Denis Nulty, Bishop Of Kildare and Leighlin, on Friday 22nd November 2024 at 7.30pm In the Cathedral Parish Centre, College Street, Carlow Town, R93 XV10. St Columbanus was born c543AD near Myshall,…

Visit of the Relic of St Bernadette to Carlow Cathedral

September 20, 2024


The ReliRelics of Beloved St. Bernadette to visit Syracuse Diocese | The Catholic Suncs of St. Bernadette will visit the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow on Monday 7th October. The Relics will be received by Bishop Denis at the 10am Mass.

A water ritual, with water…

Mass of Thanksgiving

July 31, 2024


Bishop Denis will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at the 10:30am Mass

in the Cathedral on Sunday 4th August,

on the 11th Anniversary


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Catholic News

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